
October 2019

The Importance of Life Insurance

  Small Business Owners – The Importance of Life Insurance If you are financially responsible for a spouse or children and you pass away, it could create a serious financial bind for those who depend on you. If you are the primary wage earner in your household, then you have or have likely considered life...
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Estate Planning for Animal Lovers

Estate Planning for Animal Lovers Typically, when we think of estate planning tools, we think about them in the context of protecting family members like our spouse, children, and friends. But what about having a plan for our furry friends? It may be more important than you might think. Many potential issues arise for pet...
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Is a Trust or a Will Better?

                                    Trusts vs. Wills – Is a Trust or a Will Better? Regularly, we have new clients come into our office stating they want a trust, because someone told them that is the best choice.  Is a trust...
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Why Are Power of Attorneys So Important?

Power of Attorney Unlikely circumstances happen to arise every day, for instance, car crashes, freak accidents and terminal illnesses.  These circumstances illustrate why only verbalizing what you want to happen financially and medically is not enough. Thus, why powers of attorney are such an important part of the estate planning process. These documents give individuals...
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