Basic Terminology to Know when Setting up a Company I notice that many people mix up different corporate and tax terminology and are often confused by it. As I have encountered that a few times recently, I thought the newsletter was a good place to try to dispel some of the confusion. Starting with the...Read More
There is no one size fits all for businesses as they struggle to stay open or reopen, as each business has different risk factors. How do you keep your staff and clients safe with an uncontrollable disease? We have more guidance now than we did this spring. Hopefully the resources provided below, and our example...Read More
These legalistic terms have important consequences on who inherits from you and how much, whether under a will or a trust or even if intestate (no will or trust). There are many important decisions to make under a will or a trust, but one of them is who will inherit from you and there are...Read More
How the Coronavirus may trigger clauses in your contracts It is early days in the global pandemic known as the Coronavirus. That quarantining society is wreaking havoc on businesses throughout the US and the world is an understatement. What it will mean for each business and its contracts will likely be sorted out in the...Read More